- 2011-05-05
- By 77
Andrea for Europamester.dk: “I need more experience”
I have read that you started with handball when you was about 10 years old, have you been active in other sports (like soccer, swimming etc.) or was it always handball ?
-Yes, I was training karate for 4 years, I tried volleyball, tennis, and a few trainings of basketball.
My hungarian skills are at a very low level, but I think you say in the interview at the Györ webite, that your dad was your first coach. Are you from a “handball-family” (what I mean with a handball-family is that perpaps your mom and dad also was handball players when they were younger, often kids from a handball family has played with a handball very early) ?
No, my dad did not had any connection with handball. My mother was in handball, but only on amateur level . She was playing only for school.
At what age did you realize that you maybe had a big talent , and if you worked hard you could develop your skills to make a living by playing handball ?
-For me , handball was only ,and is a still a game ,which puts smile on my face. I was never thinking about that I had a huge talent, but I knew , that if you want to succed ,only formula is hard work. Yes, now I can live from handball.
When did you have your debut-match at the serbian national team and have you ever played junior national team or youth national team (I know that people who was borned in 87 was a little bit “cheated” because you were together with 85 and 86) ?
-I had my debut on tournament in Romania, at age 18.Yes,we did not have that opportunity to compete with other national teams because, they ‘’erased’’(girls born 1987) us, from all competitions. I was playing for the youth national team (1985.and younger),and we got a bronze medal on ECH in Czech Republic. It was incredible filling.
In Krim you have had a wonderful teamwork with Cvijic – Do you think her injury had any impact at your/the serbian result in the European Championship in Denmark.
-Yes, with Cvija, we have excellent cooperation. She is one of the most important players in our national team. We missed her very much. Our game would be a different. But that’s sport, and the most important is ,that she is healthy now, and ready for the next matches.
And what about Champions League ?
-We did not have luck with the injuries. Our problem ,was a short bench. When Cvija got injured, we were aware ,that is going to be very difficult without her. We gave our best , but unfortunately, it was not enough for big result.
What is your best handball memory (from the international scene) in this season ?
-Victory against Zvezda in Russia. It was a big pressure. We had to win this match, for progressing to final 8.
I guess that one of the worst memories was the match in Itxaco – was there any formal protest from Krim because of the situation where the spanish coach took a time out when you was in possession of the ball?
-Yes, a lot of things could be a different ,if we scored. We were very sad, because it was our last chance for semi-final.
Speaking about krim – how is the Andrea who leave Krim compared with the Andrea who came to Slovenia as a teenager ? .
-This 4 years, were great, and not forgettable. Choosing Krim, it was a best decision in my career. I learned a lot, not only in handball, but in whole life. It was a very hard beginning , like every other. Today,I’m a same person, just a little more mature. Expirience, means a lot, and in that point, I improved.
23 years old and you are already world wide accepted as a world class player, but I know that you still want to be better – which of your skills do you need most to improve
-You can always be better, because I’m fighting for big results , and those are titles. I need more experience. Important is to feel myself ,when I’m tired, or deconcentrated ,to choose right solution for the team. So,in the hardest moments ,try to be focused.
I think every club in Europe would like to sign with Andrea Lekic. Why did you choose ETO ?
-ETO was very concrete, and very fast. We have same ambition, and I founded myself in their plans. They want to make a strong team, which is going to be able to bring the throphy. That is my biggest wish.
Last year Katrine Lunde went to ETO and as next season not only you but also Heidi Löke and Jovana Radicevic are goint to ETO – your goal can only be to win Champions League ?
-Yes,excellent players will be together. I hope for the best,and that is CL!
A few years ago people (at least people in Denmark) said that the danish league is/was the best league in the world – which league do you consider as the best league in Europe today ?
-Few years ago, Danish league was in a big advantage in front of other leagues, but today it is not like that. Hungary,France,Germany are countries which have very strong home competitions. I can not say for any league ,that has higher quality in front of others.
Last year there were some rumours that you were negotiating with a danish club (Viborg) – is it still a possibility that we once will see you in a danish club (I would prefer if it could be FCM / former known as Ikast) ?
-Yes,that was a truth. I had a contact with people from Viborg. Yes,I have wish to try Danish league,and who knows, maybe one day, we will do live interview J.
The last question – I guess it’s a little personal, but it was very nice of you that you would make this interview – did you know our website www.europamester.dk?
I have this website, already 3,4 years. Jelena Eric, gave it to me J. It is excellent, and very often I’m reading a lot of articles. Off course with translator.
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